Becoming A More Beautiful Version Of Yourself

Is Laser Hair Removal Actually Effective? A Look At The Science

by Alyssa Watson

Many women who are tired of spending hours every week managing their own hair growth are turning to laser hair removal as an affordable and more permanent alternative to shaving and waxing. But as laser therapy's popularity increases around the United States, patients are understandably a little skeptical. Whether you simply want smooth, hairless underarms or are considering full-body laser hair removal, you probably want to know beforehand that the treatment will be a success. Thankfully, enough medical studies have now been conducted to provide a clearer answer. 

Understanding How Laser Hair Removal Works

During a standard laser hair removal procedure, a beam of intense light is fired into individual hair follicles at a wavelength specifically designed to damage them. That may sound intimidating, but this minor damage is what prevents the follicles from developing hair in the future. It may take several applications of this procedure to completely halt growth, and your follicles may eventually heal and recommence hair production, but most treatments last for months or years, and some may even be truly permanent. 

Choosing the Type of Hair to Remove

The likelihood of successful laser hair removal in part depends on the type of hair being removed. According to one study conducted in India, coarse, 'terminal' hair, such as pubic hair and some types of leg hair, is more likely to be successfully removed through laser therapy than finer hairs like the hair on your arm. Generally, the darker and coarser the hair being removed, the more likely the procedure is to be a success. 

Following Through With Laser Therapy

The other major conclusion of the Indian study is that patients who undergo multiple sessions of laser hair removal were far more likely to see successful results. Although only 5 percent of studied patients saw the best possible results after three sessions, that number jumped to 56 percent overall after six sessions. This means that the more time you invest in your laser hair removal, the better your results should be, and you shouldn't get discouraged if you aren't immediately smoother than a peach. 

Investing in Professional-Quality Hair Removal

As the trend of laser hair removal spreads, businesses have inevitably attempted to capitalize on it. This has led to the marketing of home laser hair removal products, which can be both ineffective and dangerous to their users. In a physician-supervised setting, laser hair removal has been found to carry no significant side-effects, thanks to cooling devices meant to minimize burn damage to your skin. When not used as intended, on the other hand, lasers can discolor the pigment in your skin and cause permanent harm. If you are looking into laser hair removal, consult with your local cosmetic surgeon for an experienced professional opinion in a safe and well-regulated environment, like at Florida Women's Center Inc
