Becoming A More Beautiful Version Of Yourself

A Hair Transplant May Help Your Self-Confidence When Hair Loss Bothers You

by Alyssa Watson

If you're losing your hair and your appearance bothers you, then you may want to consider having a hair transplant. Once the transplant is complete and you've recovered, you'll have hair in your bald areas that grows in naturally and acts just like the rest of your hair. The process of transplanting hair can involve multiple treatments over a period of months. Here's how it works.

Hair Is Taken From The Back Of Your Head 

The hair used for the transplant is taken from the back of your head where the hair is growing full and healthy. First, the back of your head is shaved so the hairs and scalp can be seen easily. Your doctor has a few approaches for harvesting the hair. One is to punch out a small number of hairs and immediately transplant them in a bare area. Another approach is to cut out a strip of hair and divide it into smaller sections before transplanting it on your scalp.

The number of hairs transplanted at a time could be a couple or several, but generally, very small areas are transplanted at a time. The donor area where hair is taken will be closed with stitches, and there might be a slight scar, but when your hair grows back in, there will be no sign that hair was removed.

Hair Is Transplanted Onto Your Scalp

Because the doctor moves hairs in such tiny amounts, the transplantation procedure can take several hours. Your scalp will be numb, so you won't feel discomfort although your scalp will be sore afterward. Your doctor makes holes or slits in your scalp to accept the hair grafts. They need to be spaced far enough apart that the grafts get plenty of blood circulation. This is one reason multiple treatments may be needed.

Once you've healed from the first procedure, a second one can fill in the spaces to make your hair look fuller. Your transplanted hair will probably fall out in a few weeks, but then, new hair will grow in its place. Since it can take weeks for hair to grow, it will be a few months before you see the final results of the transplant procedure. At that time, you can decide if you need more grafts or if you're happy with your appearance.

Your head might be bandaged after the procedure, and your scalp will be sore. Recovery is usually fairly fast, but you'll probably need to take a few days off from work. Also, you may need to limit strenuous activity and participating in sports until your scalp has healed.

Your doctor will provide you with instructions on when you can wash your hair and when you can resume all your activities. You may also be given medications to aid with swelling and pain. Your doctor might also recommend a shampoo that encourages your hair to grow. Be sure to follow your doctor's advice so your scalp heals properly and your hair grafts get off to a healthy start.
