Becoming A More Beautiful Version Of Yourself

Things to Know Before Having Laser Hair Removal Done

by Alyssa Watson

If you are tired of shaving every day or putting up with the prickly hairs that poke out if you don't, you may be wondering which hair removal technique to use. Depilatories and waxing are good options, but will require you to let your hair grow out a bit and then only last a few weeks. If you would like to have your hair gone permanently, the best option is to have laser hair removal done. There are some things you should know before making an appointment though; consider these tips.

The Time of Year Matters

You have probably decided you want to have all your hair gone for the summer months when you will be wearing shorts and bathing suits. In order to achieve this, you should start treatments at the end of winter or in early spring. There are a few reasons to do this, one being that it takes a few months before you have good results. Laser hair removal is not a one-time treatment if you want all the hairs gone. Another reason is that your skin should not be burned or even tanned for the treatments to work effectively. A third reason is that you will need to stay out of the sun for a few days after each treatment. Your skin is going to be sensitive and it may burn more easily during this time.

It Can Be Painful

While laser hair removal is not extremely painful, there is some involved. Many people describe it as having a rubber band plucked on their skin. If this concerns you, try applying a topical anesthetic before treatment. It would be best to ask the esthetician which product to use as there are many and some may actually make the pain worse. In addition, the area may be red and a bit swollen after the procedure, you can use ice or cold compresses to provide relief for this.

You'll Need Multiple Treatments

Be prepared to be consistent and make your follow-up appointments when suggested. If you want your skin to be silky smooth you will need to have a series of treatments. The number of treatments will depend on the color and texture of your hair.

Having laser hair removal treatments are definitely worth it if you cannot stand the idea of getting up early and shaving every day. It is also a good idea if you go to the beach often in the summer and experience little stings as the salt water hits your freshly shaven areas. Just be sure to start the treatments early enough to have hairless legs and other body parts before the warm temperatures hit.
