Becoming A More Beautiful Version Of Yourself

Considering Otoplasty? Here's What You Need To Know

by Alyssa Watson

Not being happy with something about the way your face and head appears is not a good way to live your life, and sometimes, it is the small features that cause the most dissatisfaction. Your ears and the way they are shaped or positioned are a big part of your overall appearance even though they are a relatively small feature. If you're not happy with your ears, otoplasty is a cosmetic procedure that can help. If this is a procedure you are considering, you are bound to have questions. Take a peek at some of the more common queries about otoplasty and the answers you should know. 

How painful is otoplasty?

Otoplasty is performed either under general or localized anesthesia depending on the procedure performed and the age of the patient. Therefore, you shouldn't feel anything at all during the procedure, but there can be some pain, redness, and swelling when you come out of surgery. You may feel like there is pinching or tugging at points of the skin and cartilage where sutures were put in, so your doctor will probably prescribe you a pain reliever to use if the pain is too intense. 

How long will it take your ears to heal after otoplasty?

Healing time will be reliant on a number of factors, such as your age and the type of otoplasty done or the extent of alterations. Most people see the healing occur pretty quickly, however. You will be given special and specific instructions on how long you will need to wear your bandages and when you can return to work by your doctor. 

Are there risks associated with otoplasty?

Just like any surgery, otoplasty can come along with a few risks, such as the formation of a blood clot, problems with the sutures, or infection. However, there are other more serious complications to be considered before you opt for surgery. For example: 

  • the end result may not be exactly what you want
  • your ears may appear asymmetrical after surgery 
  • the end result may make it look like the ears are too close to your head

Is otoplasty a good idea for children?

Otoplasty is actually really commonly performed on children or adolescents. Children who are teased about their ears being large or sticking out can face a lot of problems with their self-confidence. Because the procedure is minimally invasive and the healing time is quick, otoplasty is not such a big deal for people of any age, including those who are still children. 

For more information, contact your local facial surgeon services.
