Becoming A More Beautiful Version Of Yourself

Five Tips To Recovering And Adapting After Your Brazilian Butt Lift

by Alyssa Watson

The Brazilian butt lift is one of the safest and most effective ways to enhance your posterior. Since the doctor will use your own body fat to build up your rear, you do not have to worry about the chance of rejection. But there are still small incisions and some soreness to manage in the weeks that follow -- and you'll have to get used to your new shape! Here are a few tips to assist you during the recovery stage.

1. Set up a comfy place to sleep on your stomach.

Your doctor will probably instruct you not to sleep on your back for at least two weeks after surgery -- maybe even longer. If you are used to sleeping on your back, this can take some work to adapt to. Make things easier for yourself by preparing a comfy place to lay on your front. There are thinner pillows made just for front sleepers; consider investing in one. You may need to sleep on a softer mattress than what you are used to in order to make front sleeping comfortable. Consider adding a memory foam topper or some other sort of padding to the mattress before you sleep on it post-surgery.

2. Take pain relievers before the pain kicks in.

In most cases, over-the-counter pain relievers will be sufficient for managing your pain during recovery. But there is a secret to ensuring they work. Take the pain relievers before the pain actually becomes too bad. Take the amount recommended on the package or by your doctor, and then set an alarm in your phone to remind you when to take the next dose. For the first few days, you may want to set an alarm in the middle of the night so you can wake up and take the medication partway through your sleep cycle. This will prevent you from waking up in pain and having to then wait for the painkillers to kick in.

3. Wear loose clothing at first.

Once you have your new bottom, you may be excited to go try on new clothing. But you're better off waiting a week or two for the swelling to go down. Not only will pulling fitted pants on be painful at first, but your bottom may be a bit overly swollen in reaction to the surgery -- so what you buy now won't necessarily fit well in a week or two. Stick to loose sweatpants and stretchy tights for the first week or two after surgery, and then celebrate your recovery with a shopping trip!

4. Walk around a little.

Your doctor will tell you when it is safe to return to regular exercise -- it might be two or three weeks. However, you can and should do a little light walking in the days after your surgery. Walking will help encourage the inflammation to drain from your buttocks, which will aid in the healing process. It will also keep you from feeling so stiff and sore. Just 10 minutes a day is sufficient. Stop if you feel any discomfort.

5. Decide what you will tell everyone.

When you heal and go back into public, people will ask you why you look different. You should decide now how you will respond to them. You could be completely honest and tell them you had a butt lift, or you could deny that anything is different. The former response is usually easier since it stops people from gossiping!

To learn more about recovering from and adapting to your Brazilian butt lift, talk to your doctor. They can tell you what has worked well for previous patients. 
