Becoming A More Beautiful Version Of Yourself

4 Things To Do Before Your Liposuction Procedure

by Alyssa Watson

Cosmetic surgery allows you the freedom to shape your body to your satisfaction. A skilled cosmetic surgeon will walk you through the procedure and give you the results you desire. However, it's a good idea to do your research ahead of time so you know what to expect. This will allow you to go into your surgery prepared. Here are four things you should do before your liposuction procedure.

1. Get a medical checkup.

Hopefully, you go to the doctor annually, but if you don't, you should get a full checkup before scheduling your liposuction procedure. Cosmetic surgery is safe, but your doctor will want to know if you have any underlying conditions they need to take into account. Certain medical conditions may require your surgery to be handled differently. Once you have a clean bill of health, you can schedule your consultation with a cosmetic surgeon.

2. Discuss your goals.

Your cosmetic surgeon is there to work with you and provide you with the results you want. You need to be able to communicate with them in order to achieve your goals. During your consultation, let your surgeon know what you would like to look like after the procedure. If you have pictures of "body goals," you should bring them to show your surgeon during your consultation.

3. Don't eat on the day of your procedure.

In order to have liposuction, you will need to be put to sleep using a general anaesthetic. Most surgeons will recommend that you do not eat before your procedure since any food in your system could be aspirated if you become nauseous while under the influence of the anaesthetic. You may be able to have clear liquids and flavored gelatin, but you should check with your doctor first. Eating a heavy meal the night before can tide you over until you can eat after the operation.

4. Take time off from work.

Most patients recover from liposuction relatively quickly, but there will still be some downtime involved. In order to avoid straining your healing body, you should plan to take at least a few days off work to recover. During your recovery, you should spend most of your time resting. Pick up any medication or supplies you'll need before your surgery so you won't need to run errands while you heal.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask your cosmetic surgeon. When you take the time to prepare yourself in advance, the day of your surgery will go smoothly and you'll set yourself up for a quick recovery. Take control of your cosmetic surgery experience by arming yourself with knowledge.

For more information, contact a clinic that offers cosmetic surgery.
