Becoming A More Beautiful Version Of Yourself

How To Aid The Healing Process After A Breast Augmentation

by Alyssa Watson

breast augmentation is a fantastic way to enhance the size of your bust. It's a common procedure that's very safe when performed by a skilled plastic surgeon. Your cosmetic surgeon will walk you through the process of getting an augmentation, from your consultation to the procedure itself. Breast augmentation is performed as an in-patient procedure, which means you will be able to go home after it's completed. You may experience some discomfort in the days following your breast augmentation. Here are four tips that can help make you more comfortable: 

1. Prepare yourself ahead of time.

In the days following your breast augmentation, you will probably want to relax and rest as much as possible. You will probably be taking pain medication to help manage your discomfort, which can make you feel groggy and tired. Prepare yourself ahead of time as much as possible. It's best to take a few days off work to let yourself recuperate. Ask your surgeon if they can give you your post-surgery prescription ahead of time so that you can pick your medication up from the pharmacy in advance. If you do as much as possible ahead of time, you'll have less to worry about post-operatively.

2. Ask a friend or family member to stay with you.

Directly after your procedure, you may have time performing certain tasks. Some patients find that lifting their arms is difficult due to stiffness and soreness in their pectoral muscles. This can make it hard to brush your hair and reach for things on high shelves. A friend or family member can assist you with these tasks. Your recovery can be much easier and more comfortable if you don't have to worry about cooking, cleaning, and doing all the other small tasks of daily life.

3. Give your body a rest.

If you're a fitness enthusiast, you might be anxious to get back to your typical fitness routine. However, exercising too soon after a breast augmentation can cause you pain. It can also set back your healing if you tear your stitches or cause your breast implants to shift. Give your body a rest after your procedure. In general, it's best to wait at least four weeks before exercising, but your surgeon will give you an exact timeline. If you must exercise before you're fully healed, avoid exercises that engage your pectoral muscles and upper body. Stick to gentle exercises like cycling and walking instead
