Becoming A More Beautiful Version Of Yourself

Want A Breast Lift? 3 Things You Need To Know

by Alyssa Watson

Over time your breasts will start to change. Firmness and elasticity will start to wane, and you may notice that your breasts are not as high and firm as they were in the past. While age plays a significant role in sagging or drooping breasts, weight loss and breastfeeding can also have an impact. Your genetics will also factor into when and to what extent your breasts droop. If you are unhappy with your sagging or drooping breasts, a breast lift may be right for you. Here's what you need to know about this procedure.

When To Get This Procedure

During a breast lift procedure, your cosmetic surgeon removes excess skin and reshapes your breast tissue. The result is higher and firmer breasts. A breast lift is a fantastic option for women who have breasts that have lost their volume, sagging nipples or areolae, breasts that fall unevenly, or breasts that feel unsupported. While a breast lift is ideal for many women, you may want to delay this procedure if you plan on pregnancy or want to lose a large amount of weight. 

How Much It Will Cost

Before you agree to a breast lift procedure, it's essential to consider the total cost of breast lift services. The average breast lift will cost in the range of $3,500 and $6,000. After your procedure, you may also need to cover the cost of pain medication and supportive garments that must be worn for at least a few weeks after your breast lift. Many also need to take some time off from their daily activities, including work. It's important to factor this in when budgeting for your breast lift.

You Will Have Scars

Another thing that you need to know before going through with a breast lift is that this procedure will leave scars. The extent of your scarring will typically depend on the surgical technique your surgeon uses for your lift. Discussing scarring with your cosmetic surgeon before your procedure is essential. Some techniques can help minimize scarring. For most, the scars from a breast lift will flatten out within a few months to a year. Generally, most scars from a breast lift can be covered even by a bikini top.

If you are thinking about a breast lift, there are a few things to know. While a breast lift is an excellent option if you have sagging breasts, you may want to delay if you plan on having children or losing a significant amount of weight. The cost of a lift will vary, but most pay a few thousand dollars for this procedure. Another thing to know is that you will have scars after undergoing a breast lift, but they will flatten out and fade with time.

For more information, contact a breast lift service.
