Becoming A More Beautiful Version Of Yourself

Making Botox An Even Better Experience

by Alyssa Watson

Getting Botox injections is not terribly painful. The injections themselves only pinch a bit, and the discomfort afterwards is generally tolerable, too. But why settle for just tolerable? Here are some ways to make the experience of getting Botox even less bothersome and more approachable.

Do something that relaxes you beforehand.

If you are relaxed, the experience of getting Botox shots will be a lot better. Your muscles won't be as tense, which means the injections will not hurt as much. You'll also be better able to listen to your doctor's advice and ask good questions if your mind is quiet. So, before your Botox appointment, do something that you know will calm you down. Read a good book, do some yoga, meditate, or practice deep breathing.

Ask for the numbing agent.

Some Botox practitioners automatically apply a numbing gel to every patient's face before injecting them. Other practitioners only use this numbing gel upon request. If your doctor has not mentioned the numbing gel, then bring it up, and request that they use it. While Botox shots are not terribly painful without the numbing gel, they can pinch and sting a little. With the numbing gel, you barely feel a thing, and you may not even feel the needle going in at all.

Rest after your shots.

If you need to, you can go right back to work or whatever else you need to do after getting your Botox shots. But if you can afford to take a day, or even a half-day, off to just relax alone or with family, that's preferable. This way, you won't feel self-conscious about your face, which means you're less likely to touch your face. You really don't want to touch or press on your face too much after Botox shots as it could cause the injected solution to shift. Plus, resting may mean you get over the slight inflammation and redness that comes with Botox injections a bit sooner. 

Take ibuprofen.

You really don't want to use ice packs or even hot packs to ease any post-injection soreness, since the pressure of these items could cause the Botox to shift. A better way to keep post-injection symptoms at bay is to take ibuprofen. A dose right after your shot and another 4 hours later (or whenever your brand of ibuprofen lists) should be enough to get rid of most discomfort.

You could certainly get Botox shots without doing most of the things above, but these steps are helpful if you want a better experience. Ask the person administering your Botox for more information. 
