Becoming A More Beautiful Version Of Yourself

Cosmetic Procedures For Fat Loss

by Alyssa Watson

If you have a lot of fat to lose and it's distributed all over your body, then dieting is probably the best way to lose it. Fortunately, that type of fat is easier to lose than fat that sticks around when you get closer to your goal weight. If you have fat on your thighs, arms, chin, stomach, or hips that you can't seem to get rid of, then talk to a cosmetic doctor about surgical and nonsurgical fat loss solutions that might work. Here are a few cosmetic fat loss treatments to consider.

Fat Loss With Liposuction 

Liposuction is a time-tested way to remove fat from your body. With this treatment, the doctor inserts a cannula and sucks the fat out. You will notice results right away once the swelling caused by the procedure goes away. If you want to consider liposuction, talk to the doctor to determine when you'd be a good candidate. The doctor can let you know how much, if any, weight you should lose on your own first.

Fat Loss With Cold Temperatures

This fat loss treatment uses cold temperatures to kill fat cells. The area you want to be treated is exposed to temperatures that kill the fat cells but don't harm any other type of cells. You won't see results right away because the cells have to die and be absorbed by your body. It could take a few months to see the results of this cosmetic treatment. This treatment is useful for sculpting your body to get rid of small pockets of fat. No incision is required and there is no downtime after the procedure.

Fat Loss With Heat

Heat can also be used to kill fat cells. Your cosmetic doctor can apply heat using radiofrequency treatments or lasers. These treatments can be applied to the surface of your skin, but some can also be applied internally. Heat kills fat cells and also stimulates collagen, so heat can also be used to tighten skin so you don't have any loose skin when the fat is removed.

The laser and radiofrequency treatments that are applied internally require a small incision, but the ones applied to the surface of your skin do not. Your doctor helps you decide on the right approach to take so they can sculpt your body into the shape you desire. You may see results right away, but it takes time for collagen to be produced, so you'll also see gradual results in the weeks that follow the treatments.
