Becoming A More Beautiful Version Of Yourself

3 Ways To Prevent Complications Of Breast Augmentation Surgery

by Alyssa Watson

Breast augmentation is a popular cosmetic procedure for good reason. It can help women achieve their desired breast size and shape and help them feel more confident. Like with any surgery, there are potential complications to avoid. Proactively avoiding these risks will help to ensure a smooth and successful recovery. Here are three ways to prevent complications when having breast augmentation surgery:

Carefully Choose Your Cosmetic Surgeon

The best way to avoid complications, and to get the desired appearance you are interested in, is to choose the right plastic surgeon. Your surgeon should be highly experienced and specialize in breast augmentation.

They should take their time in answering all of your questions, and be able to show you mock-ups of what you would like with different breast shapes and sizes. They should also be honest, and steer you away from breast implants that are too large for your frame. Finally, your plastic surgeon should have many references from happy customers.

Get as Healthy as Possible Beforehand

Recovering from a major surgery like breast augmentation requires your body to use a lot of energy and healing power. If you are not in good health already, you will have a more difficult and potentially risky recovery. Since breast augmentation surgery is typically scheduled months ahead of time, take this opportunity to embrace a healthier lifestyle, including plenty of sleep, nutritious food, and regular exercise. 

If you are currently a smoker, you will want to quit before scheduling your surgery since smoking is one of the highest risk factors for surgical complications. In fact, your surgeon may opt to avoid surgery until you have quit smoking entirely.

Plan to Truly Rest and Recover After Your Surgery

Finally, you can avoid complications after your surgery by truly resting and allowing your body to heal. In some cases, women choose to ignore their surgeon's instructions and begin working out or lifting heavy objects before they are completely healed. Doing this can cause damage to your new breast tissue and may even lead to additional surgical procedures.

Instead, plan to rest as long as your surgeon requests. Look at this as a rare time in life when you can truly slow down.

Getting a breast augmentation procedure can be a very positive step toward achieving your desired look and improving your self-esteem. By following these tips, you will be able to avoid unnecessary complications and risks, resulting in a smoother recovery process.

To learn more, contact a cosmetic surgeon's office in your area such as Dakota Plastic Surgery: Sanjay Mukerji, MD.
